Friday, 18 July 2014

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life"

So a little life update... I'm finally back in Scotland. Yay! That means I can get on with putting my creative energy into this little blog which is fast becoming my new favourite wee project. I am trying to get into some sort of routine in order to get some structure into it but I'm not quite sure how I feel about everything yet. Maybe I won't even have worthwhile things to say on a regular basis!

Anyhow, this post is easy to write. The second leg of my summer adventure led me down to London! Unlike my Mother, I adore London and I have on more than one occasion dragged her and the family South. London is probably my favourite place in the world (apart from St Andrews obviously). I adore the hussle and the glamour and just everything about the beautiful metropolis. This trip did not include my mother and instead I headed down with my childhood friend Sarah for one of the most exciting weekends ever!

The Mall 

We flew down on the Friday morning at a ridiculously painful time which meant we were able to be in London by lunch time. Luckily we were able to get into our hotel room despite arriving earlier than check-in time. We stayed in a double room in the Strand Palace. The hotel was very nice. It was in a cracking location just a short walk from Covent Garden and Trafalgar Square. This meant it was never quiet so there was no worry coming back late at night, which is comforting for two young girls on their own. The breakfast had a great selection of fruit and pastries while also having all the cooked breakfast necessities like eggs, bacon and sausages. The staff were very friendly and helpful. The man who delivered our room service didn't even laugh when Sarah answered the door in her My Little Pony leggings or when he handed me my salad in bed with a cold flannel on my head - What a gentleman! (ps. I had a headache I don't just chill in bed with cold flannels on my head everyday) Despite the slightly small room the hotel was very comfortable and clean. Most importantly, the Strand Palace has a fish tank in its lobby. This means it gets full marks from me because tropical fish tanks are suave.

Side view of our hotel entrance from The Strand
Our Saturday was spent exploring London and doing your average touristy things. Naturally, this meant another Bus Tour as they are my favourite. I managed to get myself a wee discount on the ticket as I had kept my ticket from Inverness which allows you to get I think around 10% off the cost of your next tour. (Score!) Because I'm a complete saddo and have been on the London bus tour far too many times I actually found I already knew all the facts and the whole bus route. I was essentially giving Sarah the tour myself, pointing out famous buildings and various areas of interest. This was probably very irritating for poor Sarah (Sorry Saz) but I feel so cool knowing somewhere like London well and it's really satisfying pointing out things before the tour guide. (I should really have 'Loser' tattooed on my forehead) For evening entertainment in London there is no more obvious choice than a West End Show. We managed to get last minute tickets for Mamma Mia in fairly good seats at the back of the stalls. And Oh My God! Mamma Mia was amazing! It is such a feel good show I can't even begin to explain how much it makes you smile. It's so entertaining and enjoyable the whole audience can't help but get up and sing along with the cast at the end. I'm a complete theatre geek and have seen a hell of a load of shows but Mamma Mia was up there as one of the best. I honestly could not recommend it enough! 

Covent Garden

Underground trips with my Oyster Card 

'Boris Biking' in Hyde Park

Sunday was probably the most excited day of all time. We had tickets to the Barclay's British Summer Time Festival in Hyde Park which meant we got to see McBusted (aaaahh!) I was such a big Busted fan when I was younger and just like Niall from 1D, the Busted tour was my first concert. Both Sarah and I had seen McBusted in Glasgow earlier this year so we were beyond siked to see them again in a festival setting. We had priority tickets which meant we queued in a different zone and got entry half an hour earlier than everyone else. In a stroke a literally amazing luck we were in the first 100 of the queue and were offered VIP Bands and entry into the diamond zone or the OMFG zone as it was known on the McBusted Stadium Tour. We had access to this area all day and got to see the acts on the main stage soooooo close up. Although only McBusted really used the walkway into the crowd, the diamond zone was so chilled and there was no pushing and shoving what-so-ever so we got a fab view of all the acts. In addition to McBusted, who were the headline act, we also saw Scouting For Girls. Sfg were my band when I was about 16. I adored them but I hadn't really listened to them since I saw them live on their last tour. Seeing them again reminded me not only how much I loved their music but also how attractive Roy is. (just fyi I now intend to marry him) Next on the main stage were The Vamps. (*swoon*) I have never seen so many prepubescent girls scream in my life - it was scary! (Okay, I'll admit I did have a wee scream myself - I'm a Vamps fan. They are just so cute!!) They were really good live! I love their music so I was expecting to enjoy them but it was surprising how good their stage presence was when you remember they are only about 18. 

Roy looking beaut

Finally it was time for McBusted. They were so amazing live and I am so chuffed I got the chance to see them again in such an amazing way. I mean look how freaking close I was! I could see the sweat on their foreheads! (okay, that's kinda gross)

Dougie and Tom 

The last exciting thing that we managed to catch in London was the Tour de France. (Who knows why a French bike race started in England but never mind) My family and I were flying directly to Hungary from London so we met up with them when they flew down on Monday for the connecting flight. Together we headed along to the Palace of Westminster to see the cyclists shoot past. The crowds were fairly large and being only five foot two I couldn't really see much on my own. Thankfully, my brother is super tall and was forced into letting me sit on his shoulders so I could see. It was really cool to see such an important sporting event. Although I'm not a cycling fan specifically I did get the buzz that anyone would get at a major event. We did in fact get to see a crash which was exciting!! (Who doesn't love seeing someone fall?! It's like a live You've Been Framed!) 

The Elizabeth Tower 

I think I have made it clear how much I adore London! I absolutely loved my weekend with Sarah and we had a blast being excited little tourists. However, the eating out every night and easy access to Laudree macaroons has set my fitness regime back a bit. Whoops! Leaving London was sad but I knew I would be back soon and there was no time to rest as me and the fam were off to Budapest in less that 9 hours! 

Lots of love, be safe  xo 

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