Monday, 4 August 2014

Bye Bye July!

Well that's July over and done with?! (oh cue the Sunshine on Leith tunes) We are flying into August already but before I completely forget everything that happened last month I'm going to share some of my July favourites and highlights. 

Monthly Travels 

For me, July has been a fab month for travelling! I had some amazing Summer adventures that were great fun. Make sure you check out my earlier post on London to find out what I was up to! There is also a post coming all about my family holiday to Budapest. I'm sorry it's taken so long but stay tuned!  

Sneak Peak from Budapest Blog

Car Fun

A personal highlight of July was that I finally got my arse into gear (ouch, please excuse the pun) and sat my driving test. It's taken me nearly two year s to get round to learning to drive but I've done it (yay!) and surprisingly I had a really great time on my test with the assessor. He was so cool!! I now have a full license (woo!) and I can cruise the streets in my little Corsa although it barely makes it up the hills. It's decked head to toe in Disney car accessories so you won't miss it! 

Sport and Fitness

Unless you have been living under a rock for the whole of July then you would not have failed to noticed that Glasgow has been hosting the 2014 Commonwealth Games. As I live about a 20 minute drive from Glasgow city centre I have been unable to avoid the buzz that this event has brought to the city. Despite not having tickets to any event (my brother had tickets to see the rugby sevens at Ibrox and got all kilted up for the occasion- I was so jealous!) I managed to catch both the baton rely before the games and, more excitingly, the cycling time trial which shot right through my town just a five minute walk from my house. The whole town was out on form to support the athletes which meant I had the opportunity to get sports mode on the camera and get snapping. 

With all these gorgeous athletes floating about Glasgow throughout July I have been inspired to consciously up my fitness level. For a while now I've been cutting out unnecessary snacking and attempting to go out for walks in the afternoon. I'm trying to follow the philosophy of 'eat less move more' and I am feeling a lot better for it. (Having said that I have just found a mint Areo on the arm of the sofa and I have eaten the majority of. It's just too hard to say no!) I am completely useless at working out and I have been seriously considering getting a personal trainer when I get back to university to teach me what I need to do. (If you have any hints or tips for upping your fitness level I would love to know!!)  

Films and music


This month I had a little movie night in with my brother and being the two big kids that we are we opted to watch the Lego Movie. Now don't knock it until you've seen it because it was actually very funny and cleverly written. The story follows an ordinary Construction worker as he joins a group of 'Master builders' as they attempt to overthrow the evil dictator of the lego world. It's a great family feel good film which features cameo appearances from Han Solo and Dumbledore. (I'm a sucker for anything Star Wars or Harry Potter related) I would throughly recommend you go check this film out if you are looking for an easy summer film. 

My music in July have been really relaxing and calming acoustic numbers. I stumbled across a Spotify playlist called Afternoon Acoustic that I have been listening to in the car. It's full of songs by the likes of Jason Mraz, Ed Sheeran and Benjamin Francis Lewis. It's super chilled and just really nice for a quiet afternoon.

So there's my July Chat. I've got a couple of exciting things planned for August (like my birthday and turning 19 ahhhh!) and hopefully I'll be getting to squeeze a wee trip through to beautiful Edinburgh in to grab a bit of culture at the festival and to visit a friend in her new flat. I hope you had a lovely July and got yourself a wee tan with that lovely sunny spell we had in Scotland. Let me know if you got up to anything exciting! 

Lots of love. Be safe. 

alex xo 


  1. My 3 year old nephew is obsessed with Legos right now and always talks about the Lego Movie..maybe I should watch it!

  2. I recently watched the Lego Movie and LOVED it. I didn't realise it would have so many jokes for adults in it! Congratulations on the driving test as well! x
